We know that Vitamin D is critical for building strong bones but what we may not know is how negative amounts affect us. Low Vitamin D levels are associated with higher circulating levels of parathyroid hormone, which encourages weight gain. This explains why many overweight people routinely have inadequate vitamin D status.
The current recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 200 IU but most health experts say it should be closer to 1000 IU, especially in the winter. When our body does get the daily recommended dose, it increases the thermal effect of our meals and boosts overall fat oxidation. It also improves muscle function and strength.
Vitamin D produced in the sun’s rays is a vital source of this necessary nutrient. However, oftentimes, especially in the winter months or in cooler climates, it is hard to make enough from the sun. So, many of us come up short in our daily supply. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency is more common than previously thought, affecting up to half of adults and children in the U.S.
When sunlight is in short supply, opt for less potent sources of vitamin D such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines in oil, cod liver oil, and vitamin D-fortified foods like milk, juice, soy milk, egg yolks and some cereals. Vitamin D can also be obtained by using supplements once or twice a day with meals. Check with your doctor to have your vitamin D level tested. He or she will determine if supplementing is right for you.
When we supply our body with the necessary nutrients it has a positive effort on our health and fitness.