Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Preserve and Protect Your Back

Back pain is the most prevalent source of chronic pain, and the leading cause of disability for Americans under the age of 45. Working at desks, slouching over phones, and leaning over keyboards, millions of people put themselves at risk for back pain because of poor posture.

Awareness of posture is key to transforming bad habits that form early and do damage over time. By holding your body in good posture, you strengthen your core and supporting muscles, building good muscle memory and protecting your back. Good posture is also tied to everything from stress to confidence, appearance, and general well-being. So what if we had a sensitive and subtle way to know immediately when we started to slouch, a quiet reminder felt only by ourselves?

The Lumo Lift approaches posture in a way that’s never been done before. Clipped onto your shirt, right below your collarbone using a secure magnetic clasp, the Lumo Lift tracks your posture and activity. Using subtle vibrations as feedback, it will gently vibrate to remind you to straighten up your posture every time you begin to slouch. Patented biomechanics monitoring sensors in the Lumo Lift use angle displacement as a measure to let you know when your body slouches away from what you’ve calibrated as your standard of good posture. The customizable time delay for vibrational feedback allows for a personalized posture coaching experience. With the integration of technology, the Lumo Lift is the agent of change needed to improve your posture long-term.
I recommend Lumo

Being able to consistently sit and stand with a posture that supports overall health and well-being involves learning with the body as well as with the mind. The Lumo Lift situates learning in realime, permitting you to make the steady small adjustments that quickly become vitally useful habits in daily life. 

My favorite exercises to strengthen your core muscles are abdominal crunches, the modified plank, the side plank, sit ups, single and double leg abdominal presses, and the bridge. To learn the easiest way to properly execute the bidge, see step by step on my website exercises. 09body 

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